Here I am again, letting all of you know what in the world I'm up to these days...
I've decided finally what to study... if I get in, that is. I've put down Multimedia as my first choice. A bit of a change from CompSci... but oh well. I realised that Multimedia is probably more of what I wanted to do all along.
My new website is up! I've even got a domain name for it. All you have to do is got to Right now it's been a bit neglected though... I've been trying to learn how to do too many things at the same time... 3D Studio Max, Flash, After Effects, Premiere, GoLive, etc. I've spent about 4 days just trying to figure out how to animate a simple little stick figure... oh well.. I'll learn someday... Well, I'm about a quarter finished with my video, and hopefully I'll be done with it by next week. You can download the trailer for it on the website, but I've run into some trouble with the transfer limit. When someone downloads the file, my site gets shut down for an hour. Hopefully,that will soon be fixed as well...
I've got a bunch of photo albums up as well, so feel free to have a look. Your picture might be there!
Other than workin on my website and video, I've put in a sprinkler system in the front lawn as well as put in grass... The place looks a lot more complete now. A couple of trees growing here and there and nice green grass... Don't want to that again though for quite some time though... if ever... ;-) Problem is, the nicer you make it look, the more work you have to do later to keep it looking that way... Now that I think of it, I'm wondering why we didn't just leave the "lawn" as it was. Good old dirt. :-) It does look better now though...
Well, I promised to write about what happened after my last email this spring. Or was it winter... can't remember. Anyway, too much happened, and I can't remember half of it, so I'll just cover the more recent stuff. Basically I finished school in May. I stayed in Norway for two more weeks and got to hang out with some of my friends there. Now comes the crazy part.... The day before I left Norway, I decdied to stay up all night because 1. I had to transfer all my files from Norway to Australia.(emails etc) 2. The bus to the airport was going to leave at 3am. (my flight was at 7am, or something like that) I first took a plane to Paris and had to wait there for a couple of hours. Then I flew from Paris to Kansia. By the time I got to the Norwegian School in Kobe (where I was staying) I had been on the go for something like 36 hours... Then about half an hour after arriving, I was asked out to the Prom (Prom was going to be that night) and for some strange reason, I decided to go. After Prom, I went home with a friend of mine and stayed the night... sort of. We stayed up to 4 am watching movies, then got woken up at 10 am to go to the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch.... After that, it was straight off to church for the Baccalaureate service (special service for graduates). It wasn't until around 6pm that day that I finally got to go back to my room and go to bed... But the fun didn't stop there... 6 hours later I woke up again. I had jet lag.... real bad.... Took me a couple of days to be able to tell my body that midnight is not morning....
Thus ends the first chapter of my adventures in Japan....
Well, I think I've said enough for now...
You can email me now at: if you want.
: )